Manage Your Shareholding

Manage Your Shareholding

If you are a shareholder or employee share plan participant, please contact computershare using the information below.​​​​​

  • Visit Computershare
  • Ask Penny, Computershare's virtual agent
  • Login to your account via Investor Centre
  • Speak with a customer service representative​ by calling +64 9 488 8777 (within New Zealand)​
  • Speak with a customer service representative​ by calling +61 (0)3 9415 4000​ or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)​

Our mailing address​ is: 

  • Computershare Investor Services New Zealand 
    Private Bag 92119 Auckland 1142
    New Zealand
  • Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited 
    GPO Box 2975 Melbourne VIC 3001